30 Hulbert Close
BA14 7FL
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Phone : 01225 768 107
Mobile : 07873 174 983
Please Note: If you have a question about a specific card please let me know which one it is. If you give me the date it was posted on my Blog it would help a lot - otherwise I have no way of knowing. Thank you :o)
teri@stampinmagic.com (main)
I always answer emails within 24hours. If you haven't had a response from me within that time, then I probably haven't received your message. Please ring me or try my alternate email address .......... Email Me Here!
I always answer emails within 24hours. If you haven't had a response from me within that time, then I probably haven't received your message. Please ring me or try my alternate email address .......... Email Me Here!
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