BUT ...... I've also been given it by the gorgeous Alison and the adorable Debbi. Thank you so much ladies!! xxxxx
I've had to do a little investigating to find out a bit more about this award and where it originated and apparently ......
"This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.” ......... Isn't that lovely?? :o)
The conditions of this award are:
I must thank the person who gave me the award, list their blog and link to it
I must list ten (10) honest things about myself
I must put a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog
I must select at least seven (7) other worthy bloggers & list their links
I must notify the bloggers of the award
Hmmmmmm ..... 10 Honest Things About Me .......
1. I'm a paper stroker and sniffer. I love the smell of new paper and I HATE cutting into new sheets :o)
2. I love my dogs soooooo much. BUT I miss having a cat around.
3. I spend far too much time looking at all your lovely blogs ... and not enough time cleaning!
4. I HATE cooking and preparing food. I HATE planning meals and most of all .... I HATE getting packups ready for the kids school lunches.
5. If I don't write down what needs to be done ..... it gets forgotten!
6. I hate to be late for anything ... but even more, I hate to be too early. Unfortunately my DH has to be hours early for everything, so going anywhere for a certain time is always 'stressy'! :o)
7. I am an avid reader and if I'm not crafting or on the web then I have my nose in a book. Usually a paranormal romance .... you just can't beat those sexy vampires and werewolves!!! Yummy :o)
8. I hate to upset people. It is not in me to be deliberately rude or insensitive.
9. I am quite a calm person. My philosophy is to 'just worry about the important things'.
10. I no longer watch 'the news' or read 'the papers'. Haven't been able to since what happened to that poor baby Jamie Bulgar.
And my nominees for this award .... all of which have 'brilliant' blogs ....
1. Sarah at Card Oasis
2. Lisa at Lisa's Stampin Weblog
3. Keryn at Poppy Dog
4. Anne at Anne's Corner
5. Sara at Sara Stamper
6. Kim at Simply Fairies
7. Julie at Paper Pleasing Ideas
These are all blogs that I regularly stalk. All are wonderful and full of inspiration ...... check them out for yourself :o) xxxx
Thanks Teri, I have two of these now hope that doesn't mean I have to do it twice. I hope you don't mind but need to think of these 10 honest things about so will post on Sunday, Thanks again Honey, Hugs Sarah B X
Awww Teri!! Aren't you just lovely!!! Thank You soooo much! I still have my last award from you to put on my blog! I have a stinking awful cold that started last night so this has cheered me up no end! Thank you my lovely friend!! {{{{HUG}}}} Anne xx
Hi Teri, All very interesting! When I was doing mine, I could have put in about my loathing of doing packed lunches too!
You are such a sweetheart! Thank you! I'm honored. I'm not good at talking about myself . . so I'll have to go out of my comfort zone on this one! what a challenge !!
Hopefully I can come up with 10 things and 7 people soon!
Thanks for thinking of me!
Thanks for the award Teri. Alison just beat you to it but I posted links to both of you as you were so kind. I've now listed my ten and passed the award on. Sara xx
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